Monday, January 18, 2010

Meal Planning

As I really value setting a weekly goal. This week it will be to do meal planning.

Now that I have really gotten into drinking lots of water, taking daily supplements, starting some exercise, and noticing my hunger signs, the next important thing is to make sure that I am eating the right things. I experienced my first loss of weight this past week, which felt good and a way for me to move on from here......

With meal planning some things I need to ensure are:
1. Easy, quick meals for days where we have things right after supper
2. Balanced and nutritious meals with lots of veggies
3. Keeping in mind the times of day where I feel a lull
4. Keeping in mind my current desire to snack.
5. Make sure my husband is on board.

My husband does most of the cooking in our house, so it is important that he feels comfortable with the meal plan. We are getting much better at ensuring we cook and have enough for lunch etc, but its time to move further.

I am hoping that this will accomplish the following things
1. Limiting the high calorie-bad foods
2. Encouraging consumption of good foods
3. Helping with weight loss
4. Helping with sleep and energy levels
5. Reduce grocery costs

And I will be back next monday.


Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year, New Plan

As for lots of people, 2010 is the year for change to more healthy habits. Last year, was a year of self-discovery, and now its time for me to continue on the positive life changes I have made, and move towards a healthier lifestyle. So, I am opting to having a theme or goal for every week for the 52 weeks this year. After I have focused for a week, I want to continue the positive habits I have made, and then add another..

So here it goes,

Week 1: Drink more water - between 2-3 L a day, and actually Take Vitamins/Supplements
Week 2: Listen to Hunger Signs (I'm Hungry, and I'm Full)